Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

It’s never too late to make a U-turn on the Road of Life. Ling’s kind, Christian father died of cancer when she was 9 years old. She missed him, and his death made her wonder if God existed — if He was real, why would He take him away when her poor family had little else?

From Bad to Worse

Life took another bad turn for Ling when her mother remarried two years later. The heartless man who became her stepfather forced her and her older sister to pull a machine designed to be carried by an ox for the next four years.

As Ling’s stepfather profited from her backbreaking work, Ling grew resentful. Her bitterness spiraled into depression, and the teenager despaired of life itself. Thoughts of suicide swirled through her mind.

Concerned for her well-being, Ling’s mother prayed for her and invited her to church. Ling began to attend the services, and her depression slowly faded.

Hope Brings Transformation

One night, an evangelist visited their church and explained how sin could be forgiven through faith in Jesus’ death on the cross. Feeling she could carry the burden of her anger and guilt no longer, Ling acknowledged her need for Jesus and became a Christian.

Ling didn’t waste any time to begin serving Christ. At 17, she left home and began traveling alone by foot from village to village, sharing the gospel, distributing Bibles, and organizing house churches.

Though her work was often dangerous and she faced torture and imprisonment, Ling was committed to the task. She continues serving as an active leader in China’s underground church to this day.

A U-Turn for You

History is filled with unlikely saints whose lives experienced a 180° turnaround after they encountered Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul is one of the most famous examples. His Damascus-Road experience is a reminder such change is possible for you.

New Year’s resolutions are great; but without a catalyst for change, our resolutions are nothing more than a behavioral wish list. That’s where a relationship with Jesus comes in. Get to know Him. Spend time reading His Word. Talk to Him about areas in your life you want to change. Ask Him what He wants to change, and let Him go to work. He allows U-turns on the Road of Life. Apply His Rules of the Road to your life today, and soon you’ll see a difference.

Article by Cam Edwards


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