Father’s Day is a day in America when we recognize Dad! Unfortunately, this often becomes a time when dads are reminded of their shortcomings and told to step up to the plate. While in some cases this might be both true and necessary, I want to pause and recognize three important qualities that contribute to a father’s success. 

His Ability to Show His Love for His Spouse

To some this might seem like a no-brainer. It is easy to be like the comedian who said of his wife, “She knows I love her because if I didn’t, I would tell her!” Love is most powerful when a man demonstrates this for his wife. Properly applied love affects the entire family.

In Ephesians 5:15, husbands are instructed, “Love your wives.” As the stresses of life continue to increase with job, finances, social dilemmas and most recently COVID-19, marriages have been negatively impacted. Some men had to be with their wives day in and day out for more than a year while working from home during the pandemic. The fact their marriages are still intact is demonstration of what it means to love our spouse.

His Ability to Be a Builder

Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:1 that we are to “Encourage one another and build one another up.”  These are great words for the Body of Christ; but Dads, they are even greater when we model them in our families. Sometimes it is easier to say encouraging words to everyone else but our families. But if no one else hears them from us, our families ought always to hear them.

His Wisdom in Making Time for the Family

Danny Thomas used to star in a weekly family TV series called “Make Room for Daddy.” In the show, Danny was a busy father whose work as an entertainer kept him away from his family.

Dads, don’t be like Danny! When your family enjoys being together with you, in most cases it is because you’ve made room for them.

One of the most important events that can take place in your family is family devotions. Spending time together studying the Word of God is a great way to keep the family spiritually on track. In this study, a father can learn to be the kind of father God has called him to be. A wife can learn to be the kind of wife God has called her to be. And your children can learn to be the kind of children God has called them to be!

Great time spent with your family also includes laughter. Life has a whole lot of serious moments, but laughter can make them bearable. Solomon said, “Laughter is medicine for the soul.” Every family needs some laughter every now and then.

Dads, you’ve probably learned that watching a family video that allows the family to relax together is more important than watching your favorite sports team play. Enjoy this together time — there may even be a deep spiritual lesson from the movie you can use as a teaching moment afterwards. 

When you practice these three qualities, Dads, you will have created fun memories your children will share with their children. You will earn the right for your family to say, “Dad, you da man!”

If you are saying, “I’m a dad, but I don’t have these qualities,” then let this Father’s Day be your start as you affect the lives of your children or grandchildren! After all, it’s your special day: “You da man!”

Article by Dr. L.W. Edwards


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