I am disappointed every time I think about those who lack appreciation for our great country and the tremendous value attributed to its freedom. To get an idea of the price of freedom, consider this: The number of American lives lost during World Wars I and II is approximately 344,959. Our service members have counted the cost time and again, standing fearlessly, even when the ultimate sacrifice of life had to be made. The history of the United States clearly reflects our determination to withstand forces of evil that would hold us captive and to embrace the freedom of others. It’s “The American Way.”

Freedom Has No Substitutes

The desire for physical freedom comes naturally to every human being. Though it may slumber at times, it only needs to be awakened by the still, inner voice that cries out for release. The enemies of liberty have sought to silence this small voice by convincing many to accept substitutes (Those who buy into the enemies’ lies ultimately find freedom has no substitutes.)

When we study the Bible, we learn about spiritual freedom, which is just as amazing as physical freedom. Spiritual freedom is a desire embedded in us by our Creator, God Himself, who thought it so important that He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so we could experience it.

God loved us with an everlasting love. When we were weak and without strength from the bondage of sin, He sent His Son to sacrifice His life so that every man, woman, boy or girl who accepted His sacrifice would have true freedom.

Freedom Is Worth the Cost

American soldiers see their sacrifice as important for the benefit of families and our great country. If they lose sight of the worthiness of those for whom their sacrifices have been made, few will offer their lives.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, knew those for whom He sacrificed His life were unworthy. But in Romans 5:6, the Bible tells us He died for the ungodly. That included you and me. If it were necessary (praise God, it is not!), He would even do it again!

The thief who would take our spiritual freedom comes to kill and destroy; but Jesus, who sacrificed His life for us, said, “I am come that they might have life … more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Spiritual freedom is true freedom because it releases us from sin. This freedom is indestructible; and it will never be restricted by any act of war, tribulation, distress, persecution, famine or peril.  And that is because, unlike our fellow-Americans in uniform who must repeatedly make sacrifices to maintain our physical freedom, our Lord made a one-time sacrifice which secured our spiritual freedom with the proclamation, “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!” (John 3:36)

Article by Dr. L.W. Edwards


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