Have you ever watched one of those old vintage movies where someone visits the doctor’s office? Outside the office on the door is a shingle which has the doctor’s name. Directly underneath the name in bold letters are the words, “In Practice.” These words mean the doctor is exercising to maintain their skill.

All Are Works in Progress

This reminds me how God is still working on us and in us in the Christian walk.  We are “in practice” so we grow from day to day in our walk with Him. We have by no means arrived. We are all works in progress.

The prophet Jeremiah wrote to the people of Judah after they had been in exile for 70 years. Some had been born during the exile and never knew what it felt like to live in their homeland of Israel. Some thought God had forgotten them. But God sent them a reminder through the prophet Jeremiah in order to give them a plan of hope for Judah’s future: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

No One Is Construction-Proof

Being a Christian doesn’t mean we will always be liked by everyone. It doesn’t mean we will always love our jobs. It doesn’t mean things will always go the way we want them. In fact, Matthew 5:45b reminds us He sends rain on the just as well as the unjust.

So what’s the big deal about being a Christian? Here it is: Like Israel, God has a plan for us!

Truth to Give You Hope

Here are four truths which will give you hope in God’s plan for your future, regardless of your present situation:

  1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) God designed you to be special to Him. Your DNA is different than anyone else’s. You were in His mind before the foundations of the world. You were so special that the Creator engraved you with a unique design.
  2. You are tailor-made for fellowship with God. You were not made to just exist. You were made to thrive — and not just financially or materialistically. God designed you to find fulfillment through spiritual fellowship with Him.
  3. You are made to have hope. Things may not appear to be going your way today; but take heart in knowing your story isn’t limited to just today. God’s plan for you is so much bigger! It is eternal. It took the death of His Son to establish for you the gift of eternal life. So even in your darkest moments, know He is orchestrating your life narrative to produce an end result of everlasting joy.
  4. You were never made to make the journey alone. In every one of us, God created an empty space that only He can fill. When He fills that space, we experience the comfort of His presence like the psalmist who said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4).

Hope “In Practice”

I know these truths may sound too good to be true. More than rhetoric, here’s what they mean for me “in practice.” As I live the Christian life, I can rest in the plans of God. Even though His ways and plans seem different than my own, His plan and His timing for my life are perfect. No matter the detours that sometimes challenge my journey, no matter how great the disappointments may seem, He is still in control. My part is to follow the psalmist who said, “Trust in the Lord and do good.” (Psalm 37:3)

Article by Dr. L.W. Edwards


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