If our identity were based on our appearance, then plastic surgeons would be the psychiatrists and attorneys of our day. Unsatisfied with your appearance? No problem: stop by your local plastic surgeon for a fix-up, and you’ll be feeling good as new.

God didn’t need a plastic surgeon to create man and woman; dirt (Adam) and a spare rib (Eve) were more than sufficient. Yet in our twisted world, we are increasingly seeing men and women attempting to pencil out the design God has etched in their indelible genetic ink for the sake of experiencing life in another gender. To them, gender is nothing more than a cosmetic enhancement, a disposable suit to be discarded after frequent wear.

What Is Gender?

Recently Bruce Jenner made the news for his part in bringing the “T” in the LGBT movement into the spotlight. As a self-proclaimed transgender woman (Caitlyn), Bruce has caused many to reevaluate their perceptions of gender — many people, perhaps, but not God. God sees gender as an expression of His image. He has given each of us our gender identity as a means through which we honor Him. Our lives are never more authentic and fulfilling than when we embrace this.

What does gender identity look like in Scripture? From the very beginning, it is apparent gender touched every aspect of human civilization. Gender determined the roles and responsibilities of members in a family, the occupations available, the bearer of the family name and recipient of the inheritance, the manner in which the legal system was enforced, and even the way people participated in religious observances. It is not difficult to see how redefining gender would unravel the very fabric of civilization.

The distinct roles of men as leaders and women as supporters, while clearly defined in the Bible, are never expressed in a way which elevates one gender above the other. The Bible actually promoted gender equality at a time when women were treated as less than equals. Note the Apostle Paul’s words to the Church: “there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28b)

What Authentic Gender Identity Looks Like

Authentic masculinity and femininity are attractive, not repulsive. An authentic man or woman doesn’t rely on physical characteristics to accentuate his or her gender. Their character speaks for itself. For men, this is demonstrated in leaving a positive legacy, earning and teaching respect, balancing mercy and justice, modeling integrity, and sharing godly wisdom. [1] For women, character is expressed in personal integrity, diligence, compassion toward others, modesty in appearance and conduct, godly wisdom, and the fear of the Lord.

At the end of a life well lived, the defining trait which will distinguish you and me is not the expression of our gender. It will be the manner in which we managed our potential within the bodies God gave us. Men, let’s use our masculinity to its fullest, God-given potential. Ladies, use your femininity in a way which will draw attention to your God. As we live out God’s purpose for our genders, we will show the world the significance of finding identity in Jesus Christ — and no plastic surgeon can do that.

By Cameron Edwards

[1] Evans, Tony, No More Excuses, Crossway Books, 1996, p. 198.


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