On Sunday, December 22, 1996, Carnell Taylor was making some bridge repairs when a truck skidded out of control and knocked him into the frigid waters below.

Joseph J. Brisson, a barge captain, saw Taylor fall and plunged into the freezing water to save him, ignoring the personal risk involved.

Brisson swam to Taylor and kept his head above the water. Nearly thirty minutes later, they were pulled to safety.

Brisson, acknowledged as a hero, said later, “I have a family. I thought about that. But I thought about how life is very important. I’m a Christian man, and I couldn’t let anything happen to him.”

This Christmas, amidst all the commercialism and politically correct thinking of our culture, let us likewise give of ourselves to others less fortunate. We have salvation, and the hope of eternity in Heaven with Christ. But the world still lies in darkness. We must carry the light.

Craig Wilson has stated, “Santa Claus never died for anybody.” Let’s tell the world about the Savior Who did.
Inspired by His love,

Dr. L.W. Edwards


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