In Reader’s Digest, a contributor told of an Aunt Ruby and Uncle Arnie who had adopted a baby boy after five years without a child. To their surprise, a short time after the adoption, Aunt Ruby discovered she was pregnant, and later gave birth to a boy.

One day when the two boys were eight and nine years old, the storyteller was visiting Aunt Ruby when a woman in the neighborhood came to visit.

Observing the children at play, the woman asked, “Which boy is truly yours, Ruby?”

“Both of them,” Aunt Ruby replied.

The woman persisted, “But I mean, which one is adopted?”

Aunt Ruby, without hesitation, looked the woman straight in the eye and replied, “I’ve forgotten.”

How do we become part of the family of God? By adoption! God adopts us on account of His Son’s sacrifice on the cross. Yet when He looks at us, He sees us not as adopted, but as legitimate children. He has forgotten our sins, our blemished pasts, and our failures, choosing instead to focus upon the righteousness of His Son, Christ, which has been credited to our account.

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” As adopted children of God, we have everything to gain! Not only do we lose the guilt of our sin, but we are given Christ’s righteousness in its stead. This is the heart of the gospel message!


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