“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.“ (Philippians 1:3-5) I’m reminded of those times when I’ve been blown out of the water by someone who said these powerful words: “I’m thankful for you!”

Who are you thankful for? Paul had an appreciation for the Philippians. They were a source of encouragement for him. His thoughts about them sparked a spirit of gratitude. They had not only contributed to his ministry, but they were also brothers and sisters who had a partnership with him. Paul was thankful!

Sometimes, it is hard to be thankful in America because we take so many things for granted. As a result, it is easy to be unappreciative of others. In many instances, we are who we are because of others’ contributions in our life:

One person faithfully empties our office trash each day after work so that our trash cans are empty and ready for use the next day. An individual at the coffee shop cheerfully smiles each morning as our coffee is provided just like we want it. Another individual took the time to share the gospel with us. A senior in our congregation simply smiles and shares the kind words, “I am praying for you!” A spiritual leader studies week in and week out so that we can be fed and encouraged in the Word of our Lord.

Just as these people have been a blessing to us, our showing appreciation to them can stimulate an attitude of gratitude in their hearts!

Maybe we take our spouse’s or children’s acts of kindness for granted and forget to simply say, “Thanks, I appreciate you!” Reflecting thankfulness can be as simple as dropping them a note without announcement to share a few words of appreciation.

When we develop an attitude of gratitude, it can help us develop a heart of thankfulness toward our God, and it can become contagious! Why not try it over the next week? Someone will be glad you did . . . and that someone might even be YOU!

Article by Dr. L.W. Edwards


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