Our heart’s desire today and always is to come alongside the Body of Christ in an effort to provide a cold cup of encouragement. I’m reminded of the potential times of discouragement in the life of a young man named Joseph. Briefly after each ray of hope was reflected in his life, discouragement was there knocking at his door. Yet there was encouragement (Genesis 37; 39-50). What was it? Well, after every somber moment in his life, the Bible says, “. . . but God was with him”! (Genesis 39:2, 23)

In your moments of discouragement and frustration, we want to encourage you not to turn to despair. Instead, remember that if you are a child of God, He is with you. The psalmist said, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

The links to the articles we are providing below are simple reminders to you that no matter what you are feeling, no matter what you are going through, God is your Refuge! The Bible does not say in the future, but right now – amidst your darkest night, amidst your trouble – He is a very present Help.


God Hasn’t Forgotten

Held Hostage by Hopelessness

Life on the Ledge

Love, Loss and Loyalty

Murphy’s Law, Bad Friday’s and Resurrection Sunday’s

Unexpected Detours

When Life Ain’t Funny No More

When Will It Rain?

Why Does God Allow Suffering?


What Do You Do When You Don’t Know What to Do?