We have developed planes that can outfly the fastest bird. We have developed ships that can sail faster than the fastest fish can swim. Yet with all of our technology, we are facing a dilemma created by a virus we cannot conquer.

Our efforts to maneuver through the COVID-19 pandemic have reminded us of our limitations. If this problem was not enough, we now face a social pandemic resulting from racial inequalities. We find ourselves like Humpty Dumpty in a world which can do little to lessen the shattering impact of our fall. The king’s horsemen are unable to put our world together again.

Like Humpty Dumpty, we need intervention from the king himself — but not just any king; we need King Jesus!

We realize many of you are troubled about racial relations. Some are simply afraid and wonder, “How are we going to make it toward racial reconciliation?” We want to provide some words of encouragement from the King Himself through this series of articles!


Black History and the Church’s Unique Opportunity: Be the Bridge
Emanuel A.M.E. – The Church That Forgave
The Hope of Baltimore
How Does One “Love Like Jesus” in our World?
Racial Reconciliation: Bringing the Truth Home
Spiritual Education: It Starts at Home
The Grace Difference
What Is the Best Way for the Church to Achieve Racial Reconciliation?


Towards Unity in the Cross