It started during the beginning of October, right before Halloween, with sightings of Christmas being confirmed even before Thanksgiving. When Thanksgiving Day arrived, it was soon interrupted by the shopping frenzy of Black Friday. Stores racked up monumental sales over the weekend, with even more revenues generated on Cyber Monday. Registers jingled as sales continued through the entire week. Great shopping was had by all, to each merchant’s delight.

In spite of our Christmas frenzy, something is not right! We are fatigued, stressed out, and exhausted, with no joy in sight. Our shopping is almost completed; our gifts nicely wrapped and deposited under the Christmas tree. But the season never ends quite like we think it should.

It’s the Grumpiest Time of the Year

When writer Joe Bunting asked people to share their thoughts about Christmas, he expected to hear variations of Andy Williams’ “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Instead, he was told resentful stories about growing old, comparisons with happier Christmases, and illnesses experienced during the holidays. Bunting got everything but stories of Christmas being the most wonderful time of the year. Surprisingly, there was not much joy or satisfaction!

Like the people Joe interviewed, we hear the music in the stores and see the decorations that have sprung up over our city, but our hearts are not moved. We are left wanting without satisfaction! As the words to the 1964 Rolling Stones song go,

“I can’t get no satisfaction, I can’t get no satisfaction
‘Cause I try and I try and I try and I try. . . .”

We thought our highest level of satisfaction would be reached if we found the best deals before Christmas so we could relax and raise our tired feet! But we can’t get no satisfaction!

During Christmastime, we give gifts to each other in recognition of the wonderful gift of God’s own Son who was given to us. But now, Christmas is more about us and less about Him. As a result, although Christmas should be a wonderful time of the year, many feel like those living in the little town of Whoville who were robbed by the Grinch.

Getting Back to Basics

In the Gospel of Luke, we are told about the shepherds who routinely watched their flocks in the fields each night. Perhaps they took turns during their watch, lest the sheep were harmed by wild animals. The first Christmas night appeared no different to them than other nights had before. But something changed their routine.

Against the backdrop of haunting darkness, an angel of the Lord appeared. (Luke 2:8–20) To calm their uneasiness and ease their fear, he said, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

As the story continues, the shepherds left early — but not in search of Black Friday deals at Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, or Macy’s. Their journey ended at a small cave used as a shelter for livestock. There they saw the babe lying in a manger as described by the angel. No purchase was necessary, for what they had received was freely given to them by God. This baby was God’s greatest Gift, His only begotten Son.

We are not told how long the shepherds stayed at the manger, but something happened to them while they were there. They returned to their fields glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen.

Pivot toward Peace

Our gift-giving has replaced the true Gift of Christmas as the new norm. The sound of cash registers ringing constantly has muffled the angel’s message to the shepherds. Perhaps you’ve been too busy buying gifts and rushing from store to store to find satisfaction! Let me remind you to listen to the message of Christmas: “Unto you is born this day . . . Christ the Lord!”

There is no need to feel guilty about the gifts you’ve purchased or will receive. In order to enjoy the satisfaction of this great time of year, look to the Gift of Christ our Lord as the only viable Source of satisfaction! Merry Christmas to you!

By Dr. L.W. Edwards


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