The love we give away is the only love we keep. – Elbert Hubbard

Dave Dravecky was living his dream. Success came quickly for the professional baseball pitcher, leading to a spot on the All-Star Team and opportunities to pitch during two World Series Championships.

At the height of his career, a cancerous lump was discovered on his pitching arm. After surgery, Dave’s doctor said he would probably never pitch again.

Ten months later, Dave stood in uniform on a pitcher’s mound and delivered the first of 93 pitches. The star was back.

But five days after his miraculous comeback, Dave’s arm snapped during a pitch. His humerus bone had broken. The cancer was back.

After his retirement from baseball, Dave’s doctors amputated his arm and shoulder. They might as well have cut out his heart. Since he had pitched his first perfect game in high school, his identity had been tied to his ability to throw a baseball. It made him famous and earned him respect. Now that he couldn’t play the game he loved, what was he living for?

Pathway to Purpose

A loving, godly friend in Dave’s life helped him refocus: God had given him a platform to share His love with others who were hurting. Dave and his wife later founded Endurance with Jan and Dave Dravecky. This ministry helps those who suffer from loss, serious illness, and depression find hope through Jesus Christ.

Through the loss of his first love, Dave had found his purpose for living.

God is a Lover who desires nothing short of absolute commitment. Pain and loss test our loyalties like few other influences can. When they come, we have an opportunity to run toward God or away from Him. Those seeking a shallow relationship often run away. Those who desire a serious relationship run toward God, finding comfort and sometimes even a platform for service to others.

Are you experiencing the death of your dreams? Which direction are you running? Trust God’s loving purpose in your pain. Allow Him to use it to benefit you and others. When you surrender your dreams to Him, He will fill the void like nothing else can!

By Cameron Edwards


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