We live in a time full of despair. For many, it can even seem hopeless. It is much like the cold solemnness that overtook the world on the Friday afternoon when God died. We call it Good Friday; but from the surface, there wasn’t anything good about it.

A Bad Friday

Jesus, the Son of God, who was both God and man, was dead. (Mark 15:15) Jesus, who had taught like no other teacher. Jesus, who had cleared the fog of controversy concerning the question of the ages, What must I do to inherit eternal life? (Matthew 19:29) Jesus, who had demonstrated what it meant to keep the most important commandments — to love God, then our neighbor — while destroying the facades of the Sanhedrin’s fake religion. Jesus, who had healed the sick woman with the issue of blood when she touched the hem of His robe. (Matthew 9:20) Jesus, who had given full vision to Bartimaeus, the man who had been blind his entire life. (Mark 10:46) This Jesus was dead. It was a bad Friday.

This bad Friday marked the tragic end of an otherwise-remarkable life.

For some of Jesus’ followers, life carried on. Simon Peter returned to his fishing, along with several others. (John 21:3) Others wrestled with grief. Mary Magdalene wept as she stood outside the sepulcher. (John 20:11) These followers knew nothing more than the fact Jesus, the one they had believed to be the Savior, was dead. Their hope had died with Him.

But everything changed on Sunday.

From Bad Friday to Good Friday

From the tomb that once held Jesus, two angels proclaimed the good news, “He is not here, but is risen. . . .” (Luke 24:6) This was a game changer that provided encouragement and hope — living hope. This hope inspired Peter to trade in his fishing net for a pen and write, “He [God] has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3) With the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, hope was reborn, turning a bad Friday into Good Friday!

If you find yourself overshadowed by hopeless feelings in the midst of a “bad Friday” season in your life, remember that Sunday is coming! Because our once-dead Savior rose again, we can find hope in Him no matter our situation. As noted in Zach Williams’ song, when you find yourself in Fridays of despair, know that you can trust in the power of the Resurrection because Sunday is coming!

If you would like to know this Savior, learn how to begin a relationship with Him today.

Article by Dr. L.W. Edwards


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