A woman in Laingsburg, Michigan had a unique start to the year 1993. She heard “angry, accented voices” coming from her living room. Fearing her husband was being held hostage by terrorists, she hid in a bathroom closet and whispered to the police on her cellular phone. Sheriff’s deputies and a state trooper surrounded the house as the woman stayed on the phone. They entered the house with guns drawn, only to find a man sitting on the couch watching TV — alone!

Police graciously did not release the woman’s name. She was partially right, though. The television had been holding her husband hostage.

Emotional Hostage

The prophet Elijah was under a different kind of hostage situation. He had been captured by hopelessness. An angry queen wanted his head — and it wasn’t so he could be fitted for a new hat. After a mountaintop experience where he saw the nation of Israel return to God, now he was running for his life.

Elijah’s hopelessness caused poor reasoning and wrong thinking. He assumed he was the only prophet left that was standing for God, when there were 7,000 others serving with him. Hopelessness also led him to forget who he was in his relationship to God. He had lost sight of the nature of God. With distorted vision, he responded in despondency and despair, saying he was no better than the prophets who had come before him. At the heart of his complaint was a complaint about God himself. He felt the Lord had not treated him well by allowing him to experience this hardship. Despair had made him self-centered. Elijah had hit rock bottom.

The Voice Which Brought Hope

With His servant distracted from the very purpose for his existence, God needed to get Elijah’s attention. First there was a great wind. Then came an earthquake. After the earthquake was a fire. After that, Elijah heard a still, small voice. God was speaking, and now Elijah was ready to listen.

What will it take for God to get your attention so you are ready to hear from Him? Maybe you have had a mountaintop experience, only to find yourself in a valley of despair. Remember who God is: He is the God of the universe and is in complete control of your situation. He knows what you’re going through. He cares how you feel. He loves you — and to prove how much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on a cross to pay for your sins. Trust in Him. He will lead you through the valley, giving you hope and peace.

I know, because I’ve been there myself.

Hope-filled because of Him,

Dr. L.W. Edwards


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